Wednesday, June 21, 2006


John H., coworker and owner/proprietor of Random Squeegee, loaned me his DVDs of season one of Lost a couple of weeks back. I watched the first couple of episodes and thought, “Hmm, entertaining. Not bad.” — but the more I watched, the more hooked I became. Now I’m practically injecting the show into my veins. It often goes a bit over the top and sometimes you say to yourself, “No one would ever do that!” but the series has a way of taking hold of you. I might eventually have to go into rehab to get weaned off of Lost the way they use methadone to treat heroin addicts, only this clinic will expose me to old reruns of Gilligan’s Island to get me clean. However, right now I’m on the junk and I’m loving it.

For those unfamiliar with the show, a passenger jet breaks apart during mid-flight and the people seated in the midsection of the plane land on an uncharted tropical island. There are something like 47 survivors and, as the series continues, you find out that many of them have strange and interesting histories and some of their antecedents are even interconnected. The island itself is tres, tres mysterious. Compasses don’t act normally, you have to watch out for polar bears, there’s some creepy “force” that roams around scaring the bejesus out of people, and the main characters take turns falling into introspective reveries at the drop of a hat. Although I’m still not finished with the first season, I have already encountered The Hatch, The Frenchwoman, The Cable, The Others, and so on — all of them veiled in darkness and secrecy.

But here is something only hinted at: somewhere on the island there must be The Gym. It’s never mentioned, but just about every main character on the show is pretty buff, so it must exist. How did it get there? Why do the characters never speak of it? Why don’t we hear of The Treadmill, or The Nautilus, or The Inclined Sit-Up Bench, or The Chin-Up Bar? Why don’t we ever hear Kate say, “Shut up, Sawyer, I’m going to work out”? Somewhere deep in the bowels of The Gym there must exist The Trainer and The Nutritionist. When will the creators of Lost explain them to us?


Blogger fakies said...

You know, I too have wondered this. I'm pretty sure after a few weeks on an island, I would look like Hurley.

I watched the first show, thought "Ehh, take it or leave it." Then later on, I watched another ep and got interested. So I went back and rented the entire season from Netflix to get caught up. Been hooked ever since, but I can stop any time I want. No, really, I can. I just don't want to.

1:08 PM  
Blogger mr. schprock said...

"Been hooked ever since, but I can stop any time I want. No, really, I can. I just don't want to."

Yeah, just like me. I told the missus to hide the DVDs just to prove I could go cold turkey. I finally had to pry up a few floorboards to make her tell me where she hid them, but it was her choice. I could have kept prying up floorboards and not watched the show.

3:18 PM  
Blogger Beth said...

LMAO! OMG, I say that every single week and now I am not alone. Take my hand, Mr. Schprock, we will find the Lost gym together ... and use our joined hands to fling Hurley into it. I mean, he should've lost SOMETHING by now!

4:49 PM  
Blogger b o o said...

maybe the island is lushed with guarana herbs from which those characters make & drink copius amounts of tea.... that & also they have a nice hair salon (duh) & bar cuz they are pretty stoked most of the time, i attribute that to alcohol.

5:49 PM  
Blogger LL said...

There's nothing addictive about Lost...

erm... Does anyone know when season 2 is coming out on DVD? :innocent:

6:52 PM  
Blogger Michele said...

Ha! I'm glad to know that I'm not the only one who wonders why everyone looks great. But to be fair, they do a lot of walking. And it is a big island. And they eat a lot of fruit with the occational fish....

By the way mr. schprock, welcome to the fold....;)

7:08 PM  
Blogger Scott said...

Yes, the first season especially featured some clever writing. I love the way all the lives are intertwined, how many of the characters just barely missed one another in the previous life. Me and the missus Tivo'd all of season two before watching a single episode, then took it all in at a shot. I get the feeling that the writers literally got lost. Hey, wait, maybe that was on purpose. Still, very much worth seeing.

4:14 AM  
Blogger Kathleen said...

Wow, I think I am the only person in the world who hasn't seen Lost. I've decided that I'm going to wait until it's all done and then rent all the seasons from Netflix, so I am not suffering with everybody else wondering what next.

I'm fun like that.

5:24 AM  
Blogger mr. schprock said...

"... and use our joined hands to fling Hurley into it. I mean, he should've lost SOMETHING by now!"

Yes, for some reason the other characters are keeping Hurley in the dark about The Gym. Could they be keeping him fat on purpose? Another mystery.

".... that & also they have a nice hair salon (duh) & bar cuz they are pretty stoked most of the time, i attribute that to alcohol."

Excellent point, Boo. There's a lot the writers aren't telling us.

"erm... Does anyone know when season 2 is coming out on DVD? :innocent:"

All I know is, John H. has downloaded the entire second season and I'll be watching it once I'm done with season one.

"But to be fair, they do a lot of walking. And it is a big island. And they eat a lot of fruit with the occational fish..."

Yes, but are they arm curling the fruit and benchpressing the fish? Walking and a good diet don't produce biceps like what I'm seeing.

"I get the feeling that the writers literally got lost. Hey, wait, maybe that was on purpose."

I'm waiting for the episode when they discover a bunker full of typing chimpanzees to explain the writing.

"I've decided that I'm going to wait until it's all done and then rent all the seasons from Netflix, so I am not suffering with everybody else wondering what next."

Yes, Kathleen, I understand that. I am so glad I have the power to watch the next episode any old time I want. It feels great.

5:38 AM  
Blogger John said...

I'm not sure if "The Cable" warrents capital letters, and the crazy French chick has a name.

"Me and the missus Tivo'd all of season two before watching a single episode, then took it all in at a shot. I get the feeling that the writers literally got lost."

I actually like the second season a lot more than the first, but maybe that's because that's when I started watching it. (I didn't see the first season until the second one was nearly over) And I go to Lospedia a lot. And the Hanso website. And all the other ones from the fake commercials.

9:48 AM  
Blogger mr. schprock said...

"I'm not sure if 'The Cable' warrents capital letters, and the crazy French chick has a name."

How about The Black Rock? I forgot to include that.

10:50 AM  
Blogger Shatterfist said...

At least in season two, you find out where the gym is. You also see that Jack worked out *before* the crash. As for what he's been up to since, it probably involves having to build stuff on the island and run like hell from The Others and "The Shadow" - oh yes, and the polar bears. If anyone is spending time working out on the islnad, we probably just don't see it. We don't see every character every single time they're eating, sleeping, or going to the bathroom. It's not relevant and is frankly waayy too much info.

1:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've never watched it, so, I'm, well, um, lost here.

1:05 PM  
Blogger Tony Gasbarro said...

Schprocko, I don't watch "Lost," but I have succumbed to "The Sopranos" and "24," both on DVD, so I know what you're going through. I just finished season 4 of "The Sopranos," and Mrs. Farrago won't let me get season 2 of "24" for fear of a repeat viewing frenzy where we both nearly lost our jobs trying to watch the whole season in two days!

12:11 AM  
Blogger mcBlogger said...

Funny, that your convinced there's a gym on the island. I've been wondering (prior to finding the hatch with bathroom fascilities) how it is they manage to keep their hair short, faces shaven, and how is that Hurly hasn't managed to lose a bit of weight due to a lack of fast food and transfats.

5:39 AM  
Blogger Flash said...

I was like that with "Deadwood". I remember right when I moved out here (to SD), they had just begun filming it, and the whole state was excited about it. When it came out on DVD, I rented the first disk (2 episodes) and watched it one night.

I was hooked...

To make a long story short, I sacrificed that following weekend and watch the entire season in 2 days.

So I know the cold shakes when your not watching it...

4:29 PM  

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