I Been Busy, Man
It’s gotten pretty gosh darn busy at work, folks, so I’ve had to take my blog-generating synaptic junctions offline to reroute emergency mental power to the old job. It’s an onerous thing to ask of my four brain cells, all this effort and thinking, but I do get money for it, money which I can then turn around to use to stimulate the economy with, so working a little harder and blogging a little less can sometimes be good for me and good for the country. So the next time you hear some positive news about the gross national product or the consumer price index, think of good old Mr. Schprock working hard for America.
Me too. I should have stayed away all week and even now. In fact, what the hell am I doing here anyway?
The sacrifices you make for the country, Schprockie, are greatly appreciated, although you are missed.
That's no excuse, Mr. S.
Think of US a little, would you please?
Hasn't anyone told you that no more than three brain cells should ever be expended on work? That leaves you with one perfectly good cell for us. That's really all we ask.
You da man, Schprockie! (Why does the song 16 Tons keep going through my brain here?)
Thanks for that, wordnerd. Now I can't get that song outta my head.
But if you entertained us readers here, the number counting up to at least 30 people I suppose, that would mean that all these 30 people would work better for they had a great inspiration from here! How about that?
Thank you for the lower gas prices!!!
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